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** 2016 Legal Sales and Service Award Winner**

  • Sales & Service Team of the Year Award – the team of Allen Matkins spearheaded by Adam Stock, Chief Marketing and Client Services Officer for their Client Outreach Derby to Refocus on Clients
          Read more about Allen Matkins' Winning initiative
    • International Sales & Service Executive of the Year – Alexandra Monterio, Business Development Senior Manager at Brazil’s Barbosa Müssnich Aragão (BMA) Law Office for her Client Relationship Program
              Read more about Alexandra Monterio
      • U.S. Sales & Service Executive of the Year – Krystal LeVeque, Client Service Director at Cairncross & Hempelmann for her Operation Ascent initiative
                Read more about Krystal LeVeque

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        2016 Award Winners' Initiatives

        Sales & Service Team of the Year Award - the team of Allen Matkins

        In late 2015, there was concern that the firm was not doing enough to focus on clients and revenue generation. Inspired by last year's LSSO award winner and other similar programs, the Allen Matkins Sales and Client Services team decided to propose a full-firm program to drive quality client interactions. They launched an 8 week competition to drive client-orientated behaviors.

        The goals of the program were to:

        • Have a singular focus on clients across the firm for 8 weeks
        • Drive client-oriented behaviors across the firm
        • Train attorneys how to provide better client service
        • Foster collaborative, team interactions among attorneys in pursuit of clients


        • More than 85% of the firm's attorneys participated.
        • Each attorney averaged 8.46 completed activities.
        • 1,282 individual client-focused activities
        • 382 attorneys attended training sessions
        • 27 meetings between partners and associates to better understand our business
        • 111 client-focused marketing activities related to better engaging our attorneys in social media sharing, enhancing/creating a LinkedIn profile, developing an elevator pitch, reviewing and updating client mailing lists, etc.
        • 5 new client engagements during the competition, and many more in process.

        Team Members:

        • Kirsten Beecher, Senior Client Services Manager
        • Catherine Cabot, Marketing Coordinator
        • Chip Clark, Online Marketing Specialist
        • Kevin Dixon, Marketing and Business Development Manager
        • Michael Guzzo, Marketing and Communications Manager
        • Marie Hsing, Senior Client Services Manager
        • Stefanie Knapp , Online Marketing Manager
        • Clare Ota, Senior Marketing and Business Development Manager
        • Helen Rizzo, Marketing Technology Administrator
        • Adam L. Stock, Chief Marketing and Client Services Officer
        • Ramona Whitley, Director of Client Services 

        International Sales & Service Executive of the Year - Alexandra M. Monteiro


        In 2014 BMA hired Alexandra M. Monteiro as its first Business Development Executive with the mission to create an effective sales culture focused on client retention, relationship development and new clients targeting initiatives.

        One of the major challenges was to educate BMA Partners (54) and Senior Associates (126) that the market for legal services had dramatically changed since 2008 and to help them to understand the importance of developing legal business in a structured and strategic manner. Thus, Alexandra and her team designed and implemented a Client Relationship Program to foster Networking activities with BMA clients and prospects. BMA Executive Committee approved the Networking Program for 1 year.

        As part of the program and to build trust with the attorney Alexandra conducted regular presentations to coach the partners and associates on how to effectively network.  Alexandra and her team also developed a playbook explaining all the DOs and DONTs of the Program. According to the EC decision, each Partner and Senior Associate received at set budget to spend on networking related activities.

        To ensure the money is well spent on the appropriate activities, after taking the client or prospect out, the Partner or Senior Associate has to ask for a refund that he/she is paid only after Alexandra´s approval. In addition, the attorneys have to fill out a small form in which Alexandra can track the name of the company, the executive, his/her role, what they´ve discussed as well as next steps. Alexandra´s team has an important role in monitoring and measuring all.


        As a result, on its first year, BMA Partners and Senior Associates had a total of 137 touch points and met with over 200 client/prospect´s executives The result was considered so impressive for its first year, that in January 2016 Alexandra presented the quantifiable outcomes to the Executive Committee and, despite all economic turmoil in Brazil, the Program was approved again for 2016!

        U.S. Sales & Service Executive of the Year - Krystal LeVeque


        In support of the firm’s goal of increasing productivity, profitability and growth, Krystal LeVeque designed Operation Ascent to support individual attorneys in their business development efforts. This firm-wide program was intended to further enable each attorney to proactively identify viable business development targets, collaborate in ongoing efforts to engage new clients, and expand the firm’s service to existing clients.

        In developing the year-long curriculum, she worked with the firm’s management teams to incorporate our Firm Strategic Goals in a way that “gamified” the business development processes. Encouraged by the success of her prior initiatives and years of industry experience, Krystal developed a unique toolkit consisting of tip-sheets, memos, small-group meetings, and trainings to cultivate valuable, successful collaboration in business development activities and between our lawyers.


        By the end of 2015, the firm reached its goal of achieving a 10% increase in number of new matters and new clients. Lawyers reported that the program helped them improve their business development skills and increase their business development activities.

        ©2025 Legal Sales and Service Organization, PO Box 1572 Manchester, MA 01944