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Together Again = A Big Success!

LSSO’s 2022 RainDance Global Sales and in person again!...was a big success and its impact will reverberate in law firm offices around the globe for some time.

A huge THANK YOU to EVERYONE – speakers, sponsor partners and participants – who travelled from near and far to actively engage in the dynamic, interactive discussions on current trends and everyday challenges affecting law firm sales and service leaders and the legal industry.

> Click here for a copy of the agenda.

LSSO Sponsor Partners
LSSO considers our annual sponsor partners experts in their fields and appreciates their involvement and investment...without which RainDance would not be possible! We encourage all LSSO members and RainDance attendees to access these tremendous resources.

> Platinum: Intapp
Silver: PipelinePlus powered by Ackert
> Silver: Nexl
> Virtual: Mind-Alliance
> Partner: Acuigen
Ally: LawVision 
> Ally: Legal Lean Sigma Institute

Event Presentations
Presentations from 2022 RainDance will be shared with members and attendees. Please look for links to them in LSSO's June e-newsletter, scheduled for release the week of June 20.

And last but not in the least...
LSSO is always looking for feedback and ideas on how to best serve those who are driving client sales and service for law firms around the world. Please email with any questions or suggestions.

    ©2025 Legal Sales and Service Organization, PO Box 1572 Manchester, MA 01944