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March 15, 2017 12:21 PM | Kirsten Lovett

Are We Distinctive? Creating Compelling Experiences to Win More Business

Firms that tend to win in competitive bid situations have that special something that separated them from the pack. Something that gives them the edge when the playing field is seemingly level.  It's elusive - even a bit mysterious. However, clients know it when they see it and will pay more to have it. The firm that finds it is the one that wins - time and time again.

Rick Davis, Senior Director at RSM, a leading provider of audit, tax and consulting services, and his team have studied hundreds of pursuits - both wins and losses - to help firms better understand what it takes to win from the perspective of their clients and prospects. These years of research have exposed that special something that makes a firm distinctive. 

Gabriel Teninbaum on the Present and the Future of Legal Technology and its Impact on Client Acquisition and Retention

Technology, innovation and the changing market for legal services is impacting how law firms acquire and retain clients and how law firms remain profitable and competitive. Professor Gabriel Teninbaum will explore the legal innovation landscape and changes on the way. Hear how large and small law firms are incorporating technology, responding to client demands and feedback, and how AI and other technologies and trends continue to impact the competitive legal landscape.

Gabriel Teninbaum is a professor of legal writing at Suffolk University Law School. He is the Director of the Institute on Law Practice Technology & Innovation and the Director of the Law Practice Technology Concentration at Suffolk University Law School.

Join LSSO at RainDance on May 9 & 10, 2017 to hear Rick Davis, Gabriel Teninbaum and law firm sales and service professionals share their industry knowledge and insight.

Visit RainDance2017 for more information on speakers and to register.

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