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  • January 09, 2018 7:07 AM | Kirsten Lovett







    The 25th Annual Marketing Partner Forum
    January 24-26, 2018

    EVENT LOCATION: Terranea Resort, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
    PRICE: $2695

    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly, one begins to twist the facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts." - Sherlock Holmes

    Intelligent business requires business intelligence in all its myriad forms. Indeed, in an industry where failure and success seem to pivot upon the razor's edge, the ability to make fearless and informed decisions is a fundamental step for securing (or maintaining) new business.

    This month, the Thomson Reuters Legal Executive Institute proudly presents the Silver Anniversary of Marketing Partner Forum featuring interactive workshops, breakouts, panel discussions and more on the evolving synergy between business intelligence and revenue strategy.

    Register today to join an elite faculty of peers and clients at one of California's most charming resorts.

    NEW this year is a solo and small law firm track containing sessions designed specifically for firms with 10-15 partners or less!

    Less than 10 seats remain!


    Register today and take advantage of our special 20% discount for LSSO members valid until January 17, 2018. Enter LEXMPF18
    at checkout.




  • January 04, 2018 1:03 PM | Kirsten Lovett

    Become a Master Coach with our Certification Program 

    Coaching is becoming a profession within the legal profession.  Learning to become a business development coach or to refine your coaching skills to help lawyers reach their full potential for developing business is a great career opportunity. Through Legal Sales and Service Organization's (LSSO) partnership with LawVision, we bring our attendees and members unparalleled opportunity for advancing their careers as business development coaches. Further, our coaching certification will provide you with the training, tools, and credentials to coach lawyers at all skill levels. 

    LSSO's Coaching Certification program is delivered through classroom instruction by sales and coaching experts, accompanied by in house coaches who will provide case studies and examples of the day-to-day challenges and opportunities they face and discuss the methods for meeting those challenges and leveraging opportunities. Onsite programming, a live coaching session and one class follow-on webinar will complete your certification.

    Register Here - Early Bird Discount Now Available


    Silvia L. Coulter, LSSO Co-Founder and Principal, LawVision Group

    Jim Cranston, Principal, LawVision Group

    Location: Goulston & Storrs, 1st Floor Conference Center, 1999 K Street, NW, Washington, DC

    Dates: March 8 & 9, 2018

    Registration: Early Rates Available - click here

  • December 27, 2017 10:58 AM | Kirsten Lovett

    Ballard Spahr is hiring a Marketing Technology Manager and Marketing Specialist. See the job postings on LSSO's job bank:

  • December 18, 2017 8:49 PM | Kirsten Lovett

    Register for LSSO's RainDance 2018 Conference before January 1, 2018 and receive an extra $25 off the early registration rates.

    RainDance 2018

    June 6 - 7, 2018

    Chicago, IL

  • December 07, 2017 9:20 AM | Kirsten Lovett

    Legal Sales and Service Organization Announces Call for Entries for 2018 Sales & Service Awards

    February 15 Deadline in Three Competition Categories


    Boston, MA – The Legal Sales and Service Organization (LSSO) and Berbay Marketing & PR invite sales, business development and marketing professionals in the legal industry to submit entries for the 2018 Sales & Service Awards. The awards salute the efforts and results of individuals and teams who have spearheaded initiatives contributing to law firm revenue growth. Winners will be announced at LSSO’s 15th Annual RainDance Conference June 6-7, 2018 in Chicago, IL.

    Nominations must be submitted on or before February 15, 2018 in one or more of the following categories:

    • Sales & Service Executive of the Year: This award goes to a leader who played a crucial role in retaining clients and/or growing firm revenues in 2017. Nominate an Executive of the Year

    More information on categories and submission guidelines can be found at or by contacting Beth Miller at 850.294.8464 or Follow conference and award updates on Twitter: and hashtag: #LSSO2018


    About LSSO

    Launched in 2003, LSSO delivers the education and resources that lawyers and those who work with them need to improve their sales and client service skills with exclusive research, and tools and information for members only. LSSO supplies the legal marketplace with innovative, groundbreaking events and resources, including the annual RainDance Conference and LSSO's Process Improvement Certification Programs. Follow LSSO on Twitter and LinkedIn.

    About Berbay Marketing & PR

    Founded in 1995, Berbay Marketing & PR is a marketing and public relations firm specializing in fueling law firms’ revenue growth.  Follow Berbay on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram.


  • November 20, 2017 1:06 PM | Kirsten Lovett

    By Simone Hughes is the Chief Marketing Officer at Field Law

    The most effective and influential leaders are those who inspire people to feel empowered and align their thoughts, creativity and actions to the expressed goals and objectives of the firm.

    There is a lot of supporting research on the power and ‘how to’ of empowerment. Here are my top three things great leaders do to empower people and drive exponential change and value in a firm:

    • Contextualize the firm’s vision.  People need to understand why they are doing things and how their activities are going to contribute to the overall accomplishment of the vision. Sure you can order people around, but not everything is always known. When people know the ultimate goal, they can improvise and make their own decisions by being able to screen them against desired outcomes.
    • Give people the tools and training they need. Supporting people with the right tools, onboarding, training, coaching and mentorship to develop themselves and their teams is an investment that pays off by increasing: skills, loyalty and engaged productivity. There are few life-long jobs anymore and so a firm’s competitive advantage is the retention of their top talent. If leaders and managers don’t provide a learning, career-friendly workplace, good people will leave for firms that do.
    • Create a supportive, positive and rewarding workplace. People respond to a leader that listens, has their back and creates a workspace that values taking calculated risks. Our world is changing so quickly, leaders need to trust their people to take action. Calculated risks that result in unanticipated results need to be considered learning instead of failures. Recognizing firm-aligned work effort is essential.

    Leaders in legal need to spend more time on empowering people. It is especially difficult as most firms do not have deep human resources support nor value this aspect of running a business. It takes a lot of time to lead people and manage their progress. But the investment will outweigh the effort over time.

    About the Author

    Simone Hughes is the Chief Marketing Officer at Field Law and a member of LSSO's Editorial Board. She leads the integrated marketing, business development, brand and public relations functions to support the firm's strategic priorities of professional excellence and client service.  

  • November 20, 2017 12:55 PM | Kirsten Lovett

    By John O. Cunningham is the chair of LSSO's Editorial Board and Freelance Writer, Editor and Marketing/Communications Consultant

    History offers an abundant number of illustrations of leaders who used crisis or failure as an opportunity for positive change and growth. Consider just three examples:

    1. After the Great Depression, Franklin Roosevelt pushed for creation of the Securities Exchange Commission and Securities Acts that empowered regulators to clean up stock market fraud and mandate full and timely disclosures to investors. The intense study of the collapse also paved the way for greater understanding of the economic effects of monetary policy, tax policy and government subsidies.
    2. The leaders at IBM have successfully reinvented the company a number of times over the years, dating back to the 19th century, when its primary products were punch cards and time-keeping systems. Each time that leaders of the company charted a new course to maintain IBM’s relevance and its position of industrial leadership, the change was catalyzed by the dwindling utility and profitability of a prior generation of products or services. Thus, IBM has brought us over the years magnetic storage tape, electronic typewriters, digital calculators, data processing machines, hard disk drives, mainframes, super-computers, and now quantum computing and artificial intelligence.
    3. When Teddy Roosevelt lost his mother and wife within a period of 24 hours in 1884, he wrote in his diary that “the light has gone out of my life.” He then went west to the Badlands, became a Dakota cowboy, and eventually led efforts to organize ranchers’ efforts stop overgrazing and other practices that hurt the land they depended upon. His work resulted in the formation of the Little Missouri Stockmen’s Association. He was also compelled to coordinate conservation efforts and was able to form the Boone and Crocket Club, whose primary goal was the conservation of large game animals and their habitats. After a bad winter wiped out his herd of cattle, Roosevelt returned to the East with a renewed vigor and a sense of public purpose that eventually vaulted him to the presidency in 1901.

    It makes sense that governments, commercial enterprises, and individuals take their greatest leaps forward after crisis or failure. That is when we are most receptive to challenging what we have known, when we are most open to learning from others, and most convinced that the old ways and familiar places cannot be relied upon forever. Inertia is the tendency of a body at rest to stay at rest, and forward motion often takes a catalyst which rudely tells us that we’re doing isn’t working.

    For law firms, the last recession and the increasing competition from in-house law departments, contract lawyers, technology providers, accounting firms and non-traditional outsourcing have all provided a rude and disruptive spur to competitive and collaborative innovation.

    For those firms who are taking new approaches and adopting new methods and tools to deliver legal services that are faster, more relevant, and more cost-effective, there is a great story to tell… and a great opportunity for a leap forward. For those who are still pining for the good old days, there’s not much of a future.

    About the Author

    John O. Cunningham is the chair of LSSO's Editorial Board and Freelance Writer, Editor and Marketing/Communications Consultant. You can read more of John's articles on his blog.

  • October 23, 2017 10:37 AM | Kirsten Lovett

    Thank you to all the RainDance attendees and LSSO members who responded to the 2017 Law Firm Marketing and Business Development Survey conducted by LexisNexis in conjunction with Catapult Growth partners.

    You may access a copy of the survey results here.

    The survey questioned law firms about increasing pressures in the marketplace and what they were doing to set themselves apart from their competition. During March-June 2017, 160 legal marketing and business development leaders, including 40 Am Law 100 Chief Marketing Officers / Chief Business Development Officers (“C-Levels”) were surveyed about their marketing and business development structures, strategies, tactics, measurements and more.  This year’s results prove that the leading marketing and business development departments are seeing the opportunity to be agents of change and are helping their firms chart new paths to improve strategy execution, differentiate, and thrive.

    Survey Results

  • October 23, 2017 9:59 AM | Kirsten Lovett

    By Olivia C. Watson is the Marketing and Business Development Manager at Ackert Inc.

    Business development: out with the old, in with the new

    For forward-thinking law firms, business development is more important than ever before. Before the economic downturn, lawyers weren’t actively involved in creating business development strategies. They didn’t need to go out and find clients because clients typically came to them. The market was smaller and there wasn’t as much competition.

    Lawyers focused their efforts on doing good work, and that was enough to feed a growing practice. But the modern legal market, post Great Recession, is another ballgame entirely.

    Key challenges driving a change in approach

    Several factors are contributing to the recent decrease in revenue.

    For starters, there are more lawyers, so competition is rife. Changing market conditions also mean that there’s an increasing threat of substitutes. Alternative sources of legal advice are more readily available than ever before, making it tougher for lawyers to attract new clients. And new entrants to the legal landscape have also contributed to the erosion of market share. According to research, over 83% of law firm leaders believe that non-traditional competitors will be a permanent threat for years to come.

    The rise of the internet and digitalization means that customers have access to more information. This information, combined with increased competition, has given clients greater power and more leverage than ever before.

    And the result?

    Clients are easily able to propose alternative fee arrangements and if law firms don’t meet these requirements, buyers will simply move on to firms that do.

    The current state of the market suggests that firms must adapt and adjust or run the risk of being left behind with fewer clients, a smaller market, and continued slow growth.

    Many law firms recognize these challenges and acknowledge that failure to adapt isn’t an option. In fact, the results of a survey of over 400 legal marketers and business development professionals revealed that 85% of respondents believed that strategies to win new business have shifted drastically.

    Shifting strategies

    Savvy business development necessitates a proactive approach to acquiring clients. There’s a need for law firms to better understand their clients’ needs and what value they offer clients. Firms must develop strategies to differentiate themselves from the competition. Modern approaches to business development place an emphasis on the tools, processes and systems that are put in place to attract new clients; something many law firms are incorporating into their business development strategies. For example, most firms are already using Client Relationship Management (CRM) platforms in an effort to drive business growth.

    According to a study by Ackert Advisory on the state of CRM, of the 3000 firms featured in the study, 70% were using some form of CRM. And, in another study, CRM was one of the top five activities that law firms were investing in for growth, with 51% wanting to invest in CRM in the future.

    But making a significant change in a firm’s operating basis requires more than just implementing new systems. To create business development strategies that work, firms must start with changing their culture.

    Modulating firm culture

    Change can be frightening in any business environment; especially because employees are used to doing things in a certain way. Firms that wish to change their culture need to overhaul traditional ways of thinking. This isn’t always an easy task.

    It’s all very well for marketers to introduce new software and technologies as part of an evolving business development strategy, but if lawyers aren’t interested or held accountable, these efforts are often fruitless. Lawyers cannot be left to their own devices when it comes to “optional” activities like CRM use and business development - they need to be trained, monitored and asked for feedback so that engagement is at its highest.

    Consider the study mentioned earlier. One of the key findings details that despite the majority of firms having a CRM system in place, utilization rates remain low. The primary reasons cited were problems with the culture of the firm - issues such as a lack of accountability and a lack of technological skill, were some of the stumbling blocks. This makes it ever more important for law firms to keep a close eye on progress long after implementation.

    Given the challenges facing the industry - a shift in strategies toward new tools, systems, and resources, coupled with the need to address and transform firm culture - how should a firm craft a business development strategy that actually works?

    Crafting a Business Development Strategy: A How-To Guide

    There are a number of things law firms can do to get their business development strategy right. Here are a few of our top tips:

    Align marketing and business development

    While marketing and business development are different functions, they go hand-in-hand. And they should be aligned towards the common goal of generating new business.  For example, while the end of a presentation may signal the end of the marketing process, it should kickstart the business development process, where lawyers exchange business cards and start a conversation.

    Ultimately, it’s the responsibility of the marketing team to facilitate business development processes and provide the business development team with real leads. This is where a marketing system that populates leads into a CRM system becomes important. Firms can populate leads from online contact forms, email newsletters, and pop-ups.

    Once leads have been identified, firms must single out those with the highest sales potential (the greatest opportunities). Once again, it’s critical to work with the marketing department to rank these leads correctly so that lawyers and business development executives know who to call first.

    Track follow-ups with opportunities/prospects

    Having identified a “short list” of key prospects to pursue, it’s crucial that lawyers maintain persistent follow-up with their relationships. While businesses in other industries usually track opportunities using CRM, this approach has proven ineffective in law firms. According to a 2015 study, CRM utilization rates by lawyers are often as low as 5%.

    Why don’t lawyers use CRM? The most popular reasons were that lawyers aren’t held accountable, they aren’t technologically proficient, CRM requires too much data entry, and platform interfaces are too complicated.

    While firms need CRM to perform a wide range of marketing activities, simpler business development platforms like like Practice Pipeline are more suited to lawyer business development. The data entry required is minimal, the interface is simple and user-friendly, and its utilization rate among lawyers is 75%.

    Build prospect profiles and gain intelligence

    Business developers should then start building prospect profiles by adding company names and indicating the course of action needed to land each client. CRM systems allow firms to generate reports in real-time, detailing how users interact with the system, and identifying the dollar value of the current prospect.

    Find reasons to have a substantive dialogue with each prospect

    Reaching out to prospects at the right time - i.e. when they’re in the market to buy - improves your chances of making a sale. But this is easier said than done. According to CSO Insights, about 45% of business originators need help identifying potential buying signals. 

    So what should firms do?

    By collaborating with marketers, lawyers can identify a list of buyer activities that signal when is the best time to reach out. For example, if a law firm creates a white paper focused on addressing a client challenge, it’s advisable to set up a real-time alert that notifies the sales team when a potential client downloads the asset. Setting up business intelligence alerts through Manzama, Monitor Suite or other listening platforms can notify you of industry-specific news so that you can to remain in tune with potential industry trends and specific client needs.

    Add value with communication

    Business developers should view communication as a way to add value. Buyers are less interested in how many lawyers work for your firm. They want to know what’s in it for them. Why should they choose your firm over another? Supplying potential clients with reams and reams of standardized marketing material is just a waste of time. Client pitches need to be targeted.

    One way to add value is to highlight lawyers’ competencies. This entails explaining how their skills can benefit different clients and highlighting their credentials to prove what the firm can deliver. Law firms should also showcase how they’ve helped similar clients in the past.


    When engaging with a contact for the first time, it’s important to follow-up at a later date. This is particularly important if the potential client doesn't respond after the initial contact. The reality is that people are busy and sometimes they forget to reply. Often a gentle reminder is all that’s needed to get the ball rolling again. When following up with someone, make sure you always emphasize how your firm can add value.

    Keep an eye on things

    While any business development strategy should ideally include some type of technology system - a CRM system, for example - the success of the strategy depends on utilization rates. It doesn’t matter how clever the strategy is or how good the system may be, if lawyers don’t use it, it's rather pointless.

    If you’re considering a CRM system for the first time or you already have a system in place, here are a few things recommendations you should consider doing to increase utilization rates.

    1. Inform everyone in the organization of the plan to install a CRM system and explain the benefits. This is extremely important. Most lawyers aren’t interested in features - they just want to know how the system will make their lives easier.
    2. Provide initial training so everyone understands how things work.
    3. Additional training should be offered regularly to gauge user proficiency. Firms can schedule this training based on current utilization rates - for example, if utilization rates are low among specific lawyers, targeted training can be provided to them.
    4. If your lawyers simply can’t or won’t make time for CRM, consider engaging a simpler platform like Practice Pipeline that has higher utilization rates and is more time-efficient and user-friendly than traditional CRM.
    5. Regular meetings between lawyers and the firm’s marketing or business development staff must be scheduled to assist with accountability. Ideally these occur on at least a monthly basis.

    Final Thoughts

    Increased competition, the threat of substitutes, new entrants to the legal landscape, and an increase in client power - all these factors make it essential for law firms to adopt a different approach to business development. This approach should incorporate the right tools, resources, and systems to help firms to actively seek out clients. Gone are the days when law firms would wait for clients to find them. The firms of today must communicate value at all times.

    While many firms recognize the challenges and acknowledge the need to adapt and adjust, many stumble when it comes to implementation. This is particularly true when putting new technology systems in place.

    Once new systems are up and running, law firms must keep an eye on things to ensure that everyone buys into these new processes and that everyone is using the system effectively. By embracing this approach, law firms will be able to outdo their competitors and weather the storm during periods of slow growth.

    About the Author

    Olivia C. Watson is the Marketing and Business Development Manager at Ackert Inc. She leads the marketing efforts at Ackert Inc. and contributes significantly to the company’s business development. She has experience in diverse industry settings including environmental non-profits, financial services, fashion and SaaS. She is a versatile, creative marketer and B2B business developer with a talent for developing original content and initiatives that drive business growth. Her written work has been featured in various publications including Strategies Magazine, JD Supra, PM Magazine, and the American Bar Association. She graduated Cum Laude from the University of Connecticut with a BS in Environmental Science. She also studied Advanced Spanish at Middlebury College and Graphic Design through California Institute of the Arts. She can be reached at


  • October 09, 2017 12:31 PM | Kirsten Lovett

    Cairncross & Hempelmann, a 40-attorney law firm located in downtown Seattle, is seeking an experienced Director of Client Service to strengthen the firm’s business development culture and oversee strategy and execution of the firm’s marketing efforts.

    Read the full job description and apply here.

©2024 Legal Sales and Service Organization, PO Box 1572 Manchester, MA 01944