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  • April 19, 2021 12:50 PM | Deleted user

    Paul Hastings has an opening for a Business Development Manager to support the Litigation Department. This position may be located in Paul Hastings' Palo Alto or San Francisco office.

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    The Business Development Manager supports the overall business development and marketing efforts of the Firm by helping to create and execute strategic and tactical business development and marketing activities related to specific practice groups and/or markets/geographies, in addition to managing a small team of one or more business development professionals to implement plans and initiatives.

  • March 31, 2021 4:27 PM | Deleted user

    2020 and now into 2021 has been described with more adjectives than I ever thought existed. Most were not complimentary, and most had four letters. But if we borrow the phrase:  “You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.” (Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" is responsible for this quote and re-phrased by Rahm Emanuel.)

    What lessons can we take away from the 2020 pandemic and apply them to legal sales and marketing in the future?  

    WFA – Work from Anywhere: Historically, most firms have used a business model of “nesting” their people in offices. The ability to work one or two days from home was considered a real perk. Whether that was just a long-time cultural norm, a distrust that the staff could not be trusted out of sight, or something in between, this model has been forcibly changed. 

    Today – We have found that people can work effectively from home, and they can also actually work quite effectively from anywhere. Homes, vacation homes, riding a Peloton, or walking a treadmill are all common. I have a Director level friend at a major firm who rented out his house and has been traveling the country for nine months living in Airbnbs. 

    Future – Offices will reopen but unlikely to pre-pandemic levels as WFA is now a recruiting tool as well as a way of life. 

    Meeting Protocol: Meetings in law firm offices have always had a formal air to them. Suits, catered food, information packets neatly stacked on high-class conference tables, and screens dropped from hidden places in the ceiling. Genuinely nice, and sometimes a bit pretentious.  

    Today – Welcome to Zoom Life and Teams World. Crying babies and barking dogs are now as common a part of meetings as the catered food and other amenities.  This has added a refreshing informality to most meetings that allows us to really get to know people on a much deeper level. Seeing the photos on the wall, guitar in the corner, the snow out the window, and the pets and kids allows us to know peers and clients at a much greater level that most of us have come to appreciate. 

    Future - Maybe this is how business in the legal industry should and will be done? 

    Cloud Readiness: Firms that were well-prepared and already had data and systems in the cloud allowed attorneys and staff to grab their laptops and not miss a beat in the WFA world, creating a significant advantage. We want to think every firm had this type of agility, but not so. More than one firm shuttled files between the attorneys’ homes and offices by staff. The office culture of “nesting” also lends itself to on-premises data centers and desktop, immobile computers. Clients were impacted by firms not prepared. Prepared firms had the opportunity to gain some competitive advantage.

    Today This was a tough lesson on many firms as it not only created chaos internally and demonstrated to clients how ill-prepared their legal counsel was in a crisis.  The real test here was how agile are we to think, plan, execute, operate the business, and still serve clients in the manner they need and deserve.

    Future – Clients will ask about Pandemic readiness in RFPs and ask to see how firms operate in a crisis. 

    Crisis Communication Readiness: In the early days when offices first closed, the command from the top to every marketing team was “let all of our clients know we are open for business and ready to take care of them.”  What seems like a simple request, and probably was for some firms, but for many, was a fire-drill nightmare. Based on the emergency calls we received, the firm’s anecdotal data had a ready-to-go, current list of client contacts was not a simple request. 

    Today – Not having the most up-to-date contact information was another tough lesson for many firms. However, on the bright side, there is now a strong business case to firm leadership to invest in basic marketing communications (“MarCom”) blocking and tackling type things. For example, keeping contact data up-to-date and well-organized and having operable CRM systems had a bright light shined on it. 

    Future –2021 looks like a boom year for Marketing Technology, Practice Management Technology, and the ability to operate all of it in the cloud and deliver on a moment’s notice. 

    Work-Life Balance - Forced time off and moving out of the nest has sparked the desire for more quality time, and rethinking work-life balance lightened practice loads. Professionals and their staff have evaluated how they want to live moving forward and how they will define the value of workforce freedom and flexibility.

    Today – Firms have (or should have) learned attorneys and staff can not only function but can operate in a highly productive fashion without the need for a “nest.” 

    Future – WFA and the desire for work-life balance are changing all industries in more ways than we can begin to know. In legal, this certainly opens new opportunities to recruit both legal and support staff without geographic boundaries. Conversely, lawyers and staff will migrate to firms where WFA and work-life are a part of the culture and not seen as an inconvenience to the firm.

    Personal – The pandemic tragically impacted many people.  On a personal level, the Covid-19 pandemic has made me very aware of how fortunate I am considering all the tragedy. I am sorry it took a pandemic to help me realize this. I regret something I wish I had done differently: I did not stay in touch with all my friends as I should have. Early on, we had Zoom happy hours and made some effort, but it faded. It always seemed to be something I would do tomorrow. I owe many of you.

    On to the next three quarters of 2021...

    Dave Whiteside is Director of Client Growth & Success at CLIENTSFirst. Dave is a consultant for CRMData QualityeMarketing and Client Intelligence service offerings as well as leads ClientsFirst business development and Alliance programs.  

  • March 17, 2021 12:19 PM | Deleted user

    Fenwick is seeking a Senior Business Development Coordinator (Litigation & Intellectual Property) who will further the firm’s business development efforts through support of specific practice groups, individual partners, and senior business development staff. This position can be based in any of our offices. 

  • March 10, 2021 2:13 PM | Deleted user

    By Adam Severson, Baker Donelson

    We all have the same goal: more meaningful, trusted advisor relationships with our clients. Whether you’re a sales professional looking to expand services with a current client, a lawyer aiming to move up the value chain with a client to do more sophisticated work, or business development manager supporting lawyers in the pursuit of new opportunities, the deeper you dig into those client relationships – the more fulfilled and intellectually exciting your work will be. There’s frequently a tangential benefit of additional revenue, new service lines, and greater loyalty derived from these efforts. Successful client expansion efforts are best done with sound fundamentals with added complexities.

    The Challenges

    If everyone has the same goal, how is execution and success across the industry lukewarm at best? Short answer: very few people act without their own self-interest being the fundamental driver of their behavior. Long answer: the transient market we’re in today leaves people motivated to increase their own individual columns instead of taking a client-centric approach to growth. The best rainmakers act with their clients’ interests at the core of everything they do and ensure each approach for new work is based on uncovered needs derived from thoughtful, off-the-clock conversations.  

    With only 5-10 percent of the lawyer population at any given firm falling into “rainmaker” status, this leaves a lot of people with their hands out waiting for someone to deliver them their next opportunity. We’ve all been in meetings where there’s common cross-selling banter: they have employees, we should be doing their employment work; or they have real estate, we should be doing their real estate work. They rarely consider the myriad of factors like relationships, decision-making criteria, cost of doing nothing, or why would they be compelled to change counsel.  With self-interest aside, other significant challenges continue to present themselves and get in the way of execution like time, capabilities, relationship strength, a “hook,” and trust. I could write 1,000 more words on each of these of these challenges, but this article is intended to be about overcoming obstacles, not perpetually shining a light on them as excuses to implementation.

    The Fundamentals

    Having sold to, for, and with lawyers for more than 20 years, I’ve attempted to simplify the sales process in a number of ways to help make client development easy. My latest iteration boils down to three key areas:

    • Relationships
    • Opportunities
    • Commitment

    Relationships. Below are a series of questions and considerations to ask when determining discussing a potential client target:

    • Who do we know at the company and what levels? We employ a D.I.R.P. analysis which is assessing if a contact is a Decision marker, an Influencer, a Referral source, or a Personal connection.
    • What is the strength of our relationship? This should be considered individually and institutionally. 
    • How do they view your firm? Are you a commodity provider for a high-volume area of work? Are you a trusted advisor for bet-the-company matters? Do some people love your firm at the company and others have disdain? Are there alumni within the organization that might “know you too well” or can they serve as your biggest advocates? 

    The answers to these questions will undoubtedly help determine a path forward. On many occasions over the years, we have a very strong personal connection with a single decision maker, but have a lesser company-to-firm relationship. This is just fine AND sets the stage for a different series of tactics that ought to be employed. For example, performing research on the company to uncover a latent need that could be raised to help the client, or seeking out introductions to different people with the legal department. On the flip side, do we have multiple relationships across different functional areas with varying levels within the organization? This is admittedly preferred AND sets a different set of tactics. In this instance, internal coordination and information sharing become paramount in your ability to uncover needs and fill them. 

    It's also possible that you don’t have answers to the questions above. That, too, is fine, but requires a modified approach. For example, if you don’t know how they view your firm, you should ask them, or better yet, employ a third-party to perform a client feedback interview. These interviews have served me well over years as it provides a road map for continued improvement and growth.

    Opportunities. Below are a series of questions and considerations to ask when determining what opportunities may exist with a given client or prospect:

    • What kind of work do we perform for them now? This is partially addressed by the question raised above about how they view the firm, but also sets the stage for additional market opportunity within a given segment.
    • What kind of work do they have to give? How do they rely on outside counsel? How big is their legal department? What is the volume of work they manage? How do the matters break down from a “bet the company” and “run the company” perspective? What is their overall legal spend and what is your share of wallet?
    • What is their decision-making process and criteria for dolling out work? Do they have a list of preferred provider firms? Do they adhere to that list? Are you one of the firms on that list? Do they issue RFPs on a matter by matter basis? Do they call their trusted advisor at a given firm, tell them their issue, and trust they’ll find the right resource to fill the need?

    Some companies manage portfolios of litigation that span all 50 states and others will have a meaningful litigation matter present itself every 3-4 years. If it’s the former, presenting solutions to help them manage that portfolio, reducing their overall spend, and providing them with greater predictability in per case cost (settlement and fees) could be an angle to pursue. If it’s the latter, you may simply mention it from time to time that you recognize litigation isn’t a key area of need for them, but when it happens, they ought to know your bench strength and depth in the area with hopes of being considered when the issue arises. Too many times, lawyers go in selling litigation when their clients aren’t buying litigation that day (or year). 

    Commitment. Below are a series of questions and considerations to ask when determining if you’ve got the chops to be successful:

    • Are you committed to working towards client-centric growth? If not, you can stop reading here.
    • What kind of resources will it take to ensure your success?
    • If the questions above yield a perceived ripe opportunity, what stands in your way of progress?  Are these internal factors or external/client factors?
    • How can you move the ball forward? What incremental steps will support your goal?

    Commitment is typically where any good client target or team effort falls on its face. There is initial interest and enthusiasm for this wonderfully-vetted opportunity and then people aren’t willing to commit the time and energy to pursue it thoughtfully and consistently. The good news is that your competition frequently doesn’t have the intestinal fortitude to keep at it either. If you stay committed, good things will happen! 

    The Complexities

    Now you’re excited: you are poised with thoughtful answers to your questions, you have identified a variety of needs, and you’re committed to take the next step on pursuing these targets. What do you do now? Insert favorite lawyer answer: “it depends.” There are a myriad of resources and tools out there to support each of the fundamentals outlined above. How you approach each of these areas, employ these tools, establish processes, and engage in discussion and action can take your client development efforts to the next level. 

    Each fundamental area of relationships, opportunity and commitment have resources to support you. I find it incredibly valuable to bring data to the conversation. For relationships, this could include identifying who knows whom from your CRM database or a strong sense of strength of relationship from your ERM database. For opportunities, this could include research on litigation trends, docket alerts, annual reports, and investor presentations. I’ve yet to identify a tool that provides meaningful and accurate legal spend data, but for asking your client about their outside counsel budget, whether it’s trending up or down and in which areas. For commitment, there are pipeline tools that provide prompts to execute a given activity or element of outreach. These tools coupled with smart, engaged, and intellectually curious professionals make a recipe for success. 

    Taking these efforts to the next level includes tapping into marketing automation tools that help you understand client engagement. Below is a snapshot of areas you can track to uncover some of the aforementioned latent needs.

    This information can serve “warm leads” or conversation starters. Don’t let your lawyers say it’s too creepy! It’s 2021 and our phones track our every move, search, and comment. You’re simply harnessing that information to help more fully serve your client. 

    Next Steps

    Few firms, if any, execute on the fundamentals and complexities at an optimal level for every client. You can employ some or all of the above to get started.  The key is focusing on incremental gains, continued commitment to help, and removing self-interest. What are you going to do from here?

    Adam Severson is the Chief Marketing & Business Development Officer at Baker Donelson. He is a past President of the Legal Marketing Association, recent LMA Hall of Fame inductee, and a Fellow in the College of Law Practice Management.

  • March 08, 2021 12:18 PM | Deleted user

    Below are 5 key reports you should be getting from your marketing team to ensure the leads you’re generating are high quality, and resulting in more sales!

    1. Leads generated from Organic web traffic

    2. Total number of leads generated broken down by lead type (forms, calls, etc.)

    3. Cost per lead generated (CPL)

    4. Cost per file opened

    5. Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)

    Why Retrieving the Right Data From Your Marketing Team can Inform Your Sales Strategy

    Data is abundant when it comes to digital marketing! It is crucial to sift through the mountains of data to get the information you need. The right reports can help inform your sales and marketing strategy, and help you better understand your success and areas for improvement. The right data will also help your marketing team understand which strategies result in quality leads.

    1. Leads generated from Organic web traffic

    What does Organic mean?

    You’re showing up in Google’s results based on something that was ‘Googled’, or searched by a user using another search engine such as Bing. This is largely driven by Search Engine Optimization work that is done both on and off your website. See this resource for more information on SEO for law firms.  The question you want to ask yourself and your team is: Are your marketing efforts helping you generate leads organically?

    Why is this important?

    You’re showing up near the top of search results on Google - without paying for an ad! The leads generated organically are people who are actively searching for something related to your business - meaning these leads are likely high quality. You can see organic website traffic via your Google Analytics report, like seen below:

    2. Total number of leads generated broken down by lead-type

    Leads come in all shapes and sizes. It is crucial to determine how many of each lead type you are generating. Below is a list of potential lead sources. 

    • Form submissions via your website (contact form)

    • Chat submissions via your website (a little chat feature that allows users to chat with a real person in real time!)

    • Phone calls 

    • And more

    Why is this important?

    As a sales person, you can inform the marketing team which lead types result in the highest quality leads, and they can adjust their strategy accordingly. For example, budgets, and calls to action (CTA) in marketing copy can be updated to reflect this (Ie. Call Us Today at ____ OR Fill out our form).

    3. Cost per lead generated (CPL)

    Cost per lead refers to how much you’re spending on marketing efforts related to lead generation, divided by your total leads generated. For example:

    You’re spending $5000 per month on Google Ads - resulting in 100 leads = $50 CPL.

    What is a good benchmark for CPL?

    Everyone’s favorite answer: it depends! The important question to ask yourself and your team to determine this is:

    What practice areas do you cover, and what is your average revenue generated from each file?

    4. Cost per file opened

    This metric is calculated based on your ad spend for a given period of time, and how much it is costing you to open a file, on average. For example:

    You’re spending $5000 per month on Google Ads - resulting in 5 files opened = $1000 per file opened. 

    Why is this important?

    This leads into the 5th metric, but it helps inform what marketing strategies are costing you the most, and resulting in the most files opened. For example, is your Google Ads campaign resulting in the most files opened? Most importantly, this helps you determine which marketing efforts are resulting in the highest quality leads.

    5. Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)

    This is the arguably the most important metric or report you should be receiving as a sales person. The previous 4 metrics mentioned all funnel towards this one. Why is this important?

    • Helps you determine your actual revenue generated as a result of your marketing spend - also known as your return on investment

    • You can follow a lead through the entire funnel until: does it reach the point of sale or a file opened?

    • What did you spend on this campaign?

    • How many files were opened?

    • What was the resulting revenue from these files?

    • What was your total marketing spend that led to the opening of these files?

    How is this calculated?

    For a defined period of time (ie. Feb 2021) - Total Ad Spend divided by Revenue from files opened = Return on Ad Spend.

    About Jelly Digital Marketing and PR:

    The team at Jelly Marketing has been working with law firms for more than 5 years to help them drive leads, and promote their practice overall. Get in touch with them today!

  • March 08, 2021 11:33 AM | Deleted user

    The Client Account Executive (“CAE”) – Banking & Financial Services (“BFS”) is a core member of Ballard’s Business Development team and is responsible for identifying opportunities for current and potential clients, as well as implementing plans that generate new business in the BFS industry.  This new and exciting opportunity can be located in New York, Philadelphia or Washington, DC.


  • March 02, 2021 6:59 PM | Deleted user

    The Business Development Manager will work with assigned lawyer teams to drive revenue growth, enhance the client experience, and execute marketing and business development tactics in support of firm and team business plans.


  • March 01, 2021 4:33 PM | Deleted user

    Kirkland & Ellis is seeking an enthusiastic, organized coordinator to support the marketing and business development efforts of the Firm’s Investment Funds Group as part of the Business Development (BD) team in our New York office.


  • March 01, 2021 4:27 PM | Deleted user

    Kirkland & Ellis has a Marketing Coordinator position for the Transactional practice. You will be responsible for enhancing the Firm’s experience database with company and industry data that will be used to structure a variety of marketing initiatives including business pitches, client presentations and web presence.


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